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If you do not find your search criteria then more than likely there is no member available. If you feel you are experiencing abnormal responses from our database please notify us (please detail your experience) and we will investigate and report back to you.

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Search Criteria
You will be able to search by: (and in any combination)

o name o city o state o country o instrument o music style o gender

o talents o skills o availability o and much more

Clicking on the Search For Musicians button will take you to our intuitive and easy search that you can select a myriad of topics to bring you together with just the right search information by Country, State, Category, and an assortment of search features that narrow your searchs down to the exact musician(s) you may be looking for.

Basic Search
For instance you can search for a MUSICIAN in CALIFORNIA. You would select Registered as: MUSICIAN and STATE: CALIFORNIA and then select SUBMIT. Your response will be all the MUSICIAN members in the database from CALIFORNIA.

Multiple Searches
You can input or select as many boxes in the search form as meets your search demand. Remember when modifying your search that all the boxes reflect the proper search or you may have a result that does not meet your request. Review your search request selections and modify them as needed before conducting a new search.

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